Simply Worship is a ministry of Praise and Worship Church, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Pastors Ray and Kim Mills, in an ordination service January 10, 2016.  In an effort to share the music that Jesus has given to me over the past several years, this website seemed to be the best solution.   I have divided the recordings into several categories which you find on their own page (the button at the top left with 3 lines will access the different pages):  Dedications; The Glory of His Presence; Praise and Fun Praise; Worship (Love); and Worship.

          Simply Worship originated in 2014 with music that the Lord was giving to me with one- or two-liner songs:  Jesus, I Worship You;   Jesus, I Love You; Jesus, I praise You, etc. It does make it difficult to pinpoint a particular song when you have literally dozens by the same name, but I have added a recording number with each one to distinguish one from another.

         Notice that Simply here is an adverb modifying a verb, denoting action.  Although the words to the songs may be simple, the key is simply to worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  This is what we were all created to do.  Pastor Ray referred to these songs as "pure worship," because they are not cluttered with a lot of words. 

         You will find that the recordings are fairly long, because the Holy Spirit wants us to linger in God's presence. 

          I pray the recordings are a blessing to you, but most of all, I pray that they will lead you into a deeper realm of worship and a closer relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

(Currently there is an issue with the recordings being interrupted a few seconds before their ending.  I pray this will be resolved quickly.) 

This is my beautiful wife Gigi and I when we were invited to Pat Robertson's 70th birthday to a ranch outside San Antonio.  One of the activities was an actual rodeo where this picture was taken.

This is Gigi and I in our church, Praise and Worship Church.  This was taken February 15, 2015, just 13 days before she passed away.  I know she is still singing for Jesus in His presence. 

Below you will find the latest recording from the recent fifth Simply Worship concert Christmas Joy 2020.  The song is actually from 2017 and was grabbed immediately by Sherry Horn, and so it is one of the dedication recordings to Marshall and Sherry Horn. 

This is a business card made for Simply Worship which instituted the colors burgundy on gold. 

This is another recording from the recent Christmas Joy 2020.  In the concerts, I try to pick a song that is typically not a Christmas carol or song, but has words that refer to the birth of Jesus.  This was one of the songs that Gigi used to sing.  It is backed by a true story of a missionary to China.  An elderly woman was in one of his meetings. Her heart was stirred by the gospel message, and she prayed to receive Christ.  After the meeting, she walked back to her home which was many miles away, but several days later, she returned to find the missionary.  She walks up to him and says, "I know He has saved me, but would you please tell me His name again." WOW!

I am going to close this home page with an absolute treasure.  It is a must listen-to recording of the first night of the Praise and Worship Seminar on September 20, 2015.   It will not only give you an insight into the beginnings of Simply Worship and my testimony, but also will offer many ways to explode your worship experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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